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5 Must-Know Facebook Ads Tips & Features

1. Facebook Lead Ads

One of the most recent campaign types added by Facebook is Lead Ads. This campaign type allows advertisers to collect lead data without a landing page and directly through a form without leaving Facebook.

Some early advertisers found Lead Ads to result in a 4x reduction to their CPL (according to Facebook).


2. Reporting, Reporting, Reporting

Some of the biggest wins are always found within the reporting section. One of the most important parts of reporting is the ‘Breakdown’ section.

  • Are your mobile placements converting?
  • What age group has the strongest CPA?
  • What regions aren’t converting?
  • What gender is responding to your adverts?

These are all important questions that can be answered under the ‘Breakdown’ drop-down.


3. Attribution models

It’s important to understand Facebook’s attribution models, where to change the view and what makes sense for your conversion goal. These are the ‘rules’ for how each conversion is counted, in regards to the timeframe after an interaction with your advert and the method of the interaction (click or view).

This is important to take note of so you have a clear understanding of the value of your conversions and how they compare to the other networks you may be running.

Within ‘Manage adverts’, the option to change the attribution model can be found under ‘Columns’ > ‘Customize Columns…’ > ‘Change Attribution Window’.


4. Test Instagram

For many years, Instagram placements have been made public in 30+ countries within the Facebook Ads Dashboard. Getting started with this is as simple as connecting an Instagram account and choosing the Instagram placement.

Break out some test budget and see how this placement compares.


5. Lookalike audiences

I’ve found lookalike audiences to be one of the most effective targeting methods on paid social.

A lookalike audience is a targeting criterion where Facebook generates an audience of users similar to your current customers or audience.

This audience can be based off an email list, segments of your Facebook Pixel or any conversion goals you have set up. Facebook matches these users with Facebook profiles then finds similarities in demographics, interests, behaviors, etc. Lastly, Facebook uses these finding to generate a list of similar Facebook users which you can target in your campaigns.

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